
Er du Aleks?

Hvad sker der når vi konflikter? Og hvad råder forskningen os til at gøre i en tilspidset situation? Adjunkt, mægler og vagtmand (samt partner i Crossing Circles) Thor Clasen Jonasen forklarer her neurobiologien bag konflikter.

Har du nogensinde stået midt i et skænderi og tænkt ”Damn, det er fristende at sige noget grimt, men jeg ved, at hvis jeg gør det, så bliver situationen nok ikke bedre”? Og har du så prøvet, at du sagde det grimme alligevel, og se bare: ”Det blev ikke bedre”? Jeg har i hve…

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Reclaiming the Commonity

How we reclaim the lost commons and act on the issues that are too complex to comprehend.

In a state in India, over ten million people gather in circles of ten to thirty individuals once a week. Here, they make decisions on issues close to themselves and to the communities they are part of. Up to a million of these are children.

They call them Neighbourhood Parliaments, and they have no leaders, they handle decisions in a decentralised manner, speak only in turns, and decide on everything by conse…

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Building the Cathedral - brick by brick...


I have recently been led to believe that the starting point for creating a regenerative civilization has to do with reclaiming our relationship to spirit, and maybe - as John Vervaeke puts it - we need to both create and scale a religion that is not a religion. But whether or not it is actually an internet-age cathedral we need, or if it is something else entirely, my hopes for its creation is not so much tied to what it will actually be, but of the way we will build it together. 

The path we t…

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